CORC® cables and wires form our solution for power cable needs in liquid nitrogen or pressurized helium gas:
– High operating currents and current densities available
– The best performing Fault Current Limiting solution available

CORC® power and Fault Current Limiting cables and wires are being developed with support of the U.S. Navy and in collaboration with the Center for Advanced Power Systems at Florida State University.











CORC® power transmission cablesCORC® power transmission wires
Diameter6 to 10 mm3 to 4 mm
Temperature, Field77 K50 K77 K50 K
Current10,000 A40,000 A2,500 A10,000 A
Current Density125 A/mm2500 A/mm2250 A/mm21,000 A/mm2


2-Pole CORC® power cable with terminations besides a flexible cryostat


2-Pole CORC® power cable end cryostat with helium gas line and feeder cables
















Performance of the two poles of a 2-pole CORC® dc power cable when operated in pressurized cryogenic helium gas. The poles were energized separately when standalone and together when connected in series.